Sonderby Legal is the independent legal adviser for the agricultural sector, handling every aspect of the law relevant to the industry.
Few industries are as thoroughly regulated and challenged – both at EU law and national level – as agriculture. Our specialists have insight into the operational and structural conditions of agriculture and have a business understanding.
We are free in relation to authorities at all levels and can look after the interests of agriculture vis-à-vis the authorities without any considerations other than the purely objective ones.
Our team of specialists advises modern agricultural companies in real estate, investing in and buying and selling agricultural companies, commercial contracts and reconstruction.
Investment, Estate planning, sale & Acquisition og agricultural businesses
Sonderby Legal advises on how to establish corporate ownership to agricultural properties with the external investors acquiring equity holdings.
Corporate entities can be set up with flexible ownership structures, allowing for external financing as equity to relieve the business of loan capital.
We advise on:
- Acquisitions of agricultural businesses both nationally and globally.
- Planning and project development, such as negotiations with local authorities, regions, including zoning changes and planning.
- Due diligence
- Financing and security
- Cross-border transactions
We also advise on issues related to construction law, tenancy law and other legislation relevant to the agricultural business.
Conflict resolution
We assist clients by towards a variety of administrative boards of appeal, such as the Environmental Board of Appeal.
- Private and public cases – for example violation of permits or lacking weed control
- Criminal cases, e.g. use of laborers without residence or work permit, ecotones, environment and violation of regulations on the use of fertilizers
- Neighbor disputes and territorial disputes
- Residency cases
- Contract and unresolved cases
Commercial contracts
Increased internationalization and the resulting complexity make it vital to be able to manage business partners and suppliers even in the agricultural business.
SONDERBY LEGAL has a thorough knowledge of the trade which combined with our legal expertise and commercial insight allows us to provide the best possible service when it comes to legal matters and commercial contracts pertaining to agriculture.
We advise on all types of contracts, including but not limited to:
- Leasehold and tenancy arrangements
- Financing
- Sale and lease back
- Supply and business agreements
- Partnering and product development deals
- Partnership contracts
- Miscellaneous
- Contracts of purchase and sale
Due to the difficult financial situation of many agricultural businesses, restructuring is often the only solution. We provide an assessment of the individual agricultural business in cooperation with the owner(s), the creditors and other relevant operators whereupon we devise a plan of action.
Our competences:
- Deliberation and assessment of the financial possibilities for the company
- Participation in negotiations with financial institutes and creditors
- Plan of reconstruction for the company in the event of bankruptcy